Thursday, 15 May 2008

Leader of Camden Council Green Group

In the Green Party, we do things differently. We share and rotate leadership positions. The philosophy of the party is about group leadership and team work and we seek to avoid unnecessary hierarchies.

So it was natural for Adrian to step down, and for me to take this position on, as leader of Green Party group on the Council.

Also, unlike the other parties we take gender balance very seriously and to date the Green Party nationally has always had a male and female principal speaker. In keeping with this, we have sought to ensure that we have this gender balance in our Council roles.

I am pleased to be taking over at this time when the Green Party is moving from strength to strength. Alex Goodman’s recent by-election victory in Highgate was an excellent result and we were pleased to win such a large Green majority.

But the amount of support and confidence we have all around the Borough is encouraging and inspiring. stands for.

Residents have a strong concern for the things we stand for including the environment, protecting our local heritage, parks, gardens and trees to our global environment and protecting the future of our children and grand children, to good public services for all and strong healthy communities with high levels of safety, quality youth services, affordable housing and vibrant high streets.

Cllrs Oliver, Goodman and I, will work in the next couple of years on what are the three major fronts for the Green Party: the environment, good public services and strong healthy communities. We will seek to show what can be done with real determination to make a change.

It won’t be an easy task but we are determined to show to residents that the faith they have placed in us is deserved. And we know we can do so if we tap into that rich vein of knowledge, experience and public commitment that we see in residents across the Borough. That is what makes us so proud to be Cllrs in this Borough.

Friday, 2 May 2008

New Green Councillor: Alex Goodman

We have a new Councillor: Alex Goodman.

This is the first time we have won a by-election in London!

Alex has lived in the Highgate area for most of his life. Alex works in Camden, as a planning and human rights barrister based at Gray’s Inn. He specialises in environmental and local government law, working on cases that support his beliefs.

Find out more on Camden Green Party’s website.