Thursday, 1 January 2009

2009 - the Year of the Environment

2009 needs to be the year of the environment - the dawn of a Green era.

Please watch Rupert Read (propospective Green MEP for East of England) explaining why acting collectively as well as individually is essential if you want real change.


Edsa said...

Hi, Maya. My daughter Shirley pointed me to your blog. Congrats on your councillorship and activism. It is so pleasing to find someone focused on issues that matter for us migrants settled in Britain whereas quite a few among us, especially the older generation, are still immersed in nostalgia and pining for the 'good old days' in East Africa or Goa.
Wish you well in your work.

Maya De Souza said...

Thanks very much. Are you still editing the Goa Digest (I think it was called) these days?